Tuesday, May 5, 2009

The life of a rabbit

As much as I hate the damage that rabbits do in my yard, it was sad, (and a bit fascinating) to see a baby bunnie hunted down by a sparrow hawk just feet away from my back porch last night. Granted, there is no shortage of rabbits in this neighborhood, and the hawk has to eat.

In fact, I've often wished for a fox that would move into the neighborhood for the same purpose, to curb the rabbit population. A hawk probably won't have a big impact on the numbers, but if it hangs out in my yard, it just might scare a few of the rabbits away.

I planted some Hyacinth beans tonight - they are supposed to attract hummingbirds. I also tossed some lettuce and radish seeds around the garden, figuring that will be up and ready to be eaten before I plant the rest of the annuals later in the month. Last night I over-planted grass seed to fill out the bare spots in the lawn. At this point, it seems likely that we will escape further frost this spring. Rain is expected every day this week. This is great for the seeds I've just planted.

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